Cantoalagua Family,
We honor water as a vital element and its infinite transformative potential.
We are united by the calling to thank Water, to celebrate what Mother Earth has offered us, to meet around water as an element that gives us life, for water is the planetary potential that we have and which we thank!
This year we invite everyone to chant to the water again on March 22nd at noon, it is a simultaneous chant to let our potential unfold, all of us gathered in this collective purpose to jointly uplift the planetary vibration, to recognize our co-creative power and honor WATER, in all of its states, cycles, magic, memory, messages, and presence.
Water and its multiple manifestations lead us to the infinite energy potential that we as human beings are!
It will always be a good moment to celebrate, share, and continue expressing what water means for all of us, even though the ways we meet with one another have changed. Whether it is online from home, connected to our online live transmission, or for those who can and want to be in Nature and have a direct connection to natural water sources taking the necessary measures, it is important to vibrate together. Our invitation is to come together to chant "AH".
Participating by sharing our chants, voice, rituals, silence, dialog with Mother Earth and/or the connection in any form and place on the Planet has a purpose, to recognize our own potential.
We feel privileged to be on a blue planet whose most important treasure is water!
Let us sing to the Water, for it is the planetary potential par excellence!
